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来源:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 时间:2021-02-02 作者:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 浏览量:






1. 考生本人所在国家尚未恢复常规HSK、HSKK、YCT考试的。

2. 考生请咨询所在国家或地区的邻近考点完成报名工作,考点信息请登录汉语考试服务网www.chinesetest.cn,在全球考点信息中查询。



1. 有一台安装了Windows(7/10)操作系统的考试电脑,考试系统不支持在MAC OS操作系统下运行,不建议使用MAC电脑;屏幕分辨率须为1366*768或以上;考试无法在手机、平板等移动设备上进行;

2. 网络带宽20M、网速需达到150KB/s及以上;

3. 电脑摄像头(电脑自带或外接独立摄像头):高清(像素30万以上),房间光线充足,摄像清晰;

4. 有一台带摄像头的手机作为辅助监考设备,下载所报名考点指定的监考软件。





5. 耳机:放音清楚,隔音效果好。参加HSKK的考生,耳机需要带麦克风,且放音清楚,隔音和收音效果好。

6. 考试环境:考试应在安全、封闭、无干扰的房间中独立进行,禁止在公园、网吧、餐厅等开放场所进行。电脑、键盘等考试用品必须放在桌面上,考试过程中房间禁止他人出入,考场内不能有任何考试禁止物品出现。一旦违反考试纪录,考试成绩将无效。

7. 不得跨国报名,例如:报考美国考点居家网考的考生,考试当天考生须在美国境内。






1. 登录汉语考试服务网www.chinesetest.cn选择进行网上报名。考生报名时请选择本人所在国家开放居家网考的考点进行报名。报名前请咨询当地考点了解考试形式。

2. 考试及报名截止日期















Notice on Additional HSK, HSKK, and YCT

Online Chinese Test (Home Edition) Overseas

The series of Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), or Chinese Proficiency Test, is a test program organized and conducted worldwide by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation. It is a standardized Chinese proficiency test designed for non-native speakers, providing certification of various levels of proficiency to Chinese learners. Due to the pandemic, in April 2020 the Online Chinese Test (Home Edition) was made available to take online, allowing students to participate in the test according to their demands on time, facilitating their preparedness for study abroad, graduation and application for job, accommodating other demands on their time. More than 50,000 people have so far taken the online test, providing overwhelmingly positive feedback. In light of the epidemic overseas, it has been decided to set up online test at home for foreign countries onMarch 13, April 24, and June 5respectively to meet the test demands overseas. The essential information regarding the online test is as follows:

1. Test takers of the online test

01.Test takers should reside in countries where on-site HSK, HSKK, and YCT have not yet resumed.

02.Test takers should contact their local test center in the first instance in order to register for the test. Visitwww.chinesetest.cnand click Global Test Centers to find your local center.

2.Registration requirements

Before registration, please make sure that your system and environment meet the test requirements.

01.A computer running Windows 7/10. Screen resolution should be 1366*768 or above. Mac OS operating systems and mobile devices are not supported.

02.Network bandwidth should be 20M and speed 150KB/s or above.

03.High-definition PC camera (built-in or external; 300,000 pixels or above); the room should be well lit to ensure clear images.

04.Mobile phone with camera: Invigilation software should be downloaded onto the phone as directed by the test center.

(1)The test taker should enter the designated meeting room one hour before the test starts, placing the mobile phone one meter behind them and slightly to the left or the right, so that the invigilator can see both the computer screen and the test taker.

(2)The invigilator will undertake a 360-degree inspection of the test environment through the invigilating software.

(3)The test taker should ensure his or her mobile phone is connected to WiFi and turn on flight mode.

(4)The mobile phone should be fully charged to ensure normal operation for the full duration of the test.

05.HSKK test takers should have good-quality headphones with a microphone, which should be excellent in acoustic insulation and transmission.

06.The test should be undertaken in a closed, separate room to ensure there is no disturbance. The test may not be taken in any open environment, for example parks, Internet cafes, or restaurants. All hardware and equipment that will be used for the test should be placed in plain sight on the desk. This should include no item that is not being used for the test. No other people may enter the test room during the test. The test result shall be rendered invalid if the test taker is seen to violate any of these regulations.

07.Cross-border registration is not allowed. For instance, test takers who register for the online test with a test center in the U.S. must connect from the U.S. on the day of the test.

Before registration, please ensure you are able to meet all the above requirements. The test fee will not be refunded if the test environment, test equipment, or other conditions are found to violate the requirements.


(1)It is not allowed to record the test questions, either on paper and/ or in any other way

(2)With an aim to guarantee the safe operation of the test, test centers may ask for some personal details or documents, for example name, photo, or other information, and make audio- and video-recordings of the test. Data will only be collected for the purposes of the test and in accordance with all relevant data protection laws.

3.Registration and payment

01.Visitwww.chinesetest.cnto register online. While registering, the test takers should choose to register at a test center that offers online test service in their countries. Before registration, please contact the center to receive relevant information.

02.Test date and registration deadline


4.Test form

The test takers should log in the client-side terminal of the online test system through their personal computer. Test invigilators of the test centers that the test takers register at will conduct remote real-time invigilation throughout the test.

5.Test admission ticket and results

Test admission ticket will be issued to test takers by the respective test center ten days prior to the test. Test takers can use the same details to log in atwww.chinesetest.cnto inquire about the test result (after 10 days for the HSK and YCT; after 25 days for the HSKK). Test takers can also apply for a printed result report to be mailed to them or their institutions using the Extra Score Report service.


Each test center shall treat the online test very seriously. Please contact CTI with any queries.


Ms. Wang: +86-010-59307610

Ms. Zhang: +86-010-59307617

Ms. Wei: +86-010-59307668


Test information: kaoshi@chinesetest.cn

Test center information: kaowu@chinesetest.cn


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