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来源:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 时间:2020-10-14 作者:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 浏览量:



1. 论坛开幕式发言人及第一讲主持人:


Opening Ceremony Speaker & Lecture 1 Host:

Jo?l Bellassen is a Professor at the French National Institute of Oriental Languages and Cultures, and was first General Inspector of Chinese at the French Ministry of Education. He is a Vice-President of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, the President of the European Association of Chinese Teaching and the French Association of Chinese Language Teachers. He is also a visiting professor at a number of Chinese universities including Peking University. He has been engaged in Chinese teaching, teaching methods and teacher training for decades. His research and publications cover Chinese language and culture education, teacher training, French and Chinese language policies, Chinese education history and cross-cultural communication, with major works such as A Key for Chinese Language and Writing, and about 100 academic articles.

2. 发言人:

张新生博士,现为英国理启蒙大学 (Richmond, the American International University in London) 教授,现代语言中心主任。英国特许语言学家协会荣誉会员,欧洲汉语教学协会副会长。曾任伦敦孔子学院首任外方院长、伦敦大学亚非学院语言中心主任、欧盟汉语能力标准项目负责人(2010-2011)和英国大学汉语教师协会会长等职。在英从事汉语教学和教师培训工作多年,著有《英国成人教育史》並主编和参与编写了多种汉语外语教材,其主编的《步步高中文》系列教材在2010年的第五届孔子学院大会上获“优秀国际汉语教材奖”。


Dr George Xinsheng Zhang is Professor and Director of the Centre for Modern Languages in Richmond, the American International University in London. He was previously the Director of SOAS Language Centre, University of London and the Director of London Confucius Institute. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and vice-president of the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT). His work is closely associated with CLT in the past thirty years and was the coordinator (2010-2011) of the European Benchmarks for Chinese Language Project (EBCL). He has researched and published on language policy, language learning and teaching, language standards, teacher training and teaching material development, and is an author of a number of books, including Chinese textbook Chinese in Steps series, which won the Outstanding International Chinese Teaching Material Award at the Fifth Confucius Institute Conference in 2010.

3. 题目:新时期汉语二语教学的学科建设与发展

Topic: Discipline Building and Development of Teaching Chinese as L2 in the New Era


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