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来源:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 时间:2020-06-23 作者:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 浏览量:



面向未来,北京语言大学将继续发挥本校的学科优势, 注重利用信息时代的技术,使汉语教学更具现代性,不断创新丰富教学模式,积极探索互联网模式下“汉语+”教学路径,开展线上文化体验活动。同时,将继续紧紧围绕孔子学院和国际中文教育提质增效的目标,以“汉语教学”为基点,以“文化与文明传播”为核心,大力加强学科内涵建设和教师教育,出标准、出理论、出成果,培养精英型和通识型相结合的知华友华人才,为提高新时代的国际中文教育水平,促进多元多彩文明的发展进步作出新贡献。


Discover China, Understand China, Express China_meitu_1.jpg

Cangjie Online, a global Chinese information cloud sharing platform was launched by Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) on April 19 to celebrate this year's UN Chinese Language Day, promote the development of sinology and further spread the voice of China.

The launch event brought together experts, scholars and international students from 35 countries via video conference to mark the UN Chinese Language Day and share views at the ensuing forum titled Spreading Sinology and the Chinese Language During the Epidemic.

The UN Chinese Language Day was established by the UN Department of Public Information in 2010, seeking to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six of its official working languages throughout the organization.

The date for the Chinese Language Day was chosen to pay tribute to Cangjie, a mythical figure who is said to have invented Chinese characters about 5,000 years ago.

Liu Li, president of BLCU, explained at the launch ceremony that Cangjie Online(http://www.duechina.com) was created to serve as a platform for sharing information, providing abundant online resources for overseas sinologists and international students learning Chinese, including information on Chinese geography, books, films, news and open courses.

He also encouraged researchers and students of Chinese culture to upload their insights and share their experiences of learning Chinese, in order to further promote the development of sinology, and tell Chinese stories to the world in a more objective manner.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are currently thousands of international students at BLCU who are stranded in countries around the world, whom we encourage to update information about the pandemic, tell their stories about China, and introduce the real China to the world from the perspective of a foreigner on the platform, Liu said.

Martin Albrow, British sociologist and fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, explained, We have to think in terms of networks, of cross-country ties, of mutual understanding across boundaries – where we can share a goal which does not in fact create rivalry between us. He added, I'm sure your international Cangjie program is going to be a major contribution to that goal.

In the following online forum, attendees shared their insights into three topics: future development trends in international humanities exchange, the epidemic's profound influence on world knowledge and the cultural landscape, and novel ideas and perspectives of Chinese language on international application and dissemination.

Zhang Xiping, director of the BFSU Academy of Comparative Civilization and Intercultural Communication, noted that, Sinologists from various countries are the bridge between Chinese culture and the world. It is due to their hard work that Chinese culture and the real China can be introduced to the world.

It is not enough to rely solely on the Confucius Institute to promote the Chinese language. Language is ultimately combined with thoughts and culture, said Hassan Ragab, professor at Ain Shams University and director of the Confucius Institute at Suez Canal University. Everyone who is engaged in the spreading of Chinese language and culture must be prepared to explore new ideas in the new situation.

The event was organized by BLCU's Belt and Road Academy and supported by the Chinese Culture Translation and Studies Support Network, Jiangxi Education Publishing House and Global Century Press.


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