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【汉语教材】中文百宝箱 Chinese Treasure Chest

来源:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 时间:2020-02-07 作者:国际中文教育人才网官网 对外汉语教师招聘 浏览量:


Title:Chinese Treasure Chest

主编/作者姓名:林宛芊 玛慕贞 傅爱玫

Editor/Writer:Lin Yuanqian, Ma Muzhen and Fu Aimei


Marisa Fang 林宛芊

Originally from Taiwan, lead author Marisa Fang graduated from Fu Jen University, majoring in Spanish. She then received her M.S. degree in New York and taught ESL for four years before becoming a Chinese teacher. She is also Board Treasurer of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Greater New York, co-author of Chinese Treasure Chest Volumes 1 and 2 (Cengage Learning, 2008, 2010), Chinese 123 – I Sing Along (2009), Flying with Chinese (2007 – Now), and Chinese Culture for Children (2004, 2005).

Helen Jung 马慕贞

Helen Jung has over 20 years of teaching experience in both Hong Kong and New York. She received her M.A. degree from SUNY at Stony Brook. Her professional interest lies in creating game-like activities that can stimulate students’ learning in a fun way. She is the co-author of Chinese Treasure Chest Volumes 1 and 2 (Cengage Learning, 2008, 2010), Chinese 123 – I Sing Along (2009) and Chinese Culture for Children (2004, 2005).

Rosemary Firestein 傅爱玫

Rosemary began studying Chinese as an undergraduate student at Temple University, and spent two years as an exchange student at Nankai University in Tianjin, China. She then received her M.Ed. degree in Foreign Language Education from Temple University’s Graduate School. Rosemary taught ESL and Chinese in the Philadelphia public schools for 13 years. She is the co-author of Chinese Treasure Chest Volumes 1 and 2 (Cengage Learning, 2008, 2010).

出版单位(Publisher):圣智学习出版集团(Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.)

专家评语(Expert Reviews):


Chinese Treasure Chest is designed for Chinese language teaching in kindergarten and primary schools. It is very helpful for improving learners’ Chinese skills with natural communication exercises and interactive activities.

Pages: 330

Binding: Spiral bound

Dimensions: 216 x 280mm

Chinese Treasure Chest is an imaginative teaching resource that offers hundreds of reproducible pages of activities. The activities are organized into 12 monthly sections to fit the school year. Volume 1 covers September to December, volume 2 covers January to August. Each volume is available in simplified and traditional Chinese.

Within each month, there will be featured topics (e.g., greetings, schools, weather) and cultural/seasonal themes. Activities are carefully selected so that different difficulty levels are available for the teacher to choose from, to cater to beginner, intermediate and advanced learners.

Students learn the Chinese language and culture through games, songs, crossword puzzles, picture cards, TPR activities, role-play, chants and conversations. This book offers plenty of ideas for such activities. It will make the classroom experience more fun, enriching and rewarding for teachers and students alike!

Each section begins with teacher notes that states the learning objectives and difficulty level of each activity, and offers suggestions on how to implement an activity to get the best results.

Chinese Treasure Chest is a joint effort of three experienced Chinese teachers, and encapsulates their years of teaching experience and innovative approaches to teaching young children. It will make the classroom experience more fun, more enriching and more rewarding for teachers and students alike!





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